On Antique Parchment folded in envelope. This document is not the Law of the land as it is commonly referred to by Americans, even by Ron Paul. The Constitution is the limits of the government. The central government essentially has only two powers to provide for the defense of the sovereign nation states and to regulate commerce between the Sovereign nation states. 95% of the cases brought to the U.S. supreme court are invalid due to lack of jurisdiction.
The state supreme courts are supposed to be superior in cases dealing with inhabitants within the Sovereign nation states as defined in the Articles of confederation. The removal of the Gold standard and the Common law has essentially gutted the concept of the Bill of Rights which is an extension of the Natural law concept found in the declaration. The first three letters, WE THE PEOPLE in big bold letters is a reiteration of the idea that the People, are now the Sovereign and have the Rights of the King. The Royal We; get it,… apparently we don't that's the problem.